Saturday, April 10, 2010

On Our Way

The Hawaii team left for Manila on Friday April 9. It was an exciting moment as the team checked-in with no weight problem on all our baggage. 26 to count for total. God has His hand on the team. Upon arriving in Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Immigration officer opened up a new line and we went through like it was the start of a regular day with no questions asked. Then going through the customs as we received all our luggage. The customs guy took only one of our customs form and he made us pass through with no hassle at all. Not one bag was opened. How amazing is that? We had the paperwork ready to show with all the medicines in our luggage and got out within a minute. We Praise God for all He had done that day and everyone made it safely to the hotel. We are just waiting for the rest of the team and we will start the mission.


  1. Praise the Lord brothers and sisters, you made it...thank God for the technology and social networking website like Facebook that allow us to follow the excitement through pictures and blogs.
    We are so proud of you and many people are praying for you. God blesses the works of your hands.
    Take care and keep us posted.
    God is already assembling Team Canada for next year..that's faith bro,

    God bless you all!


  2. Team Canada will include a snowman!!! LOL

  3. Praise the Lord! It was a good flight, hardly any turbulence! I slept most of the 10 and 1/2 hours flight, woohoo!
