Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gearing up to Cambodia Medical Mission

Just as the Philippine Medical Mission ended, we are about to embark on another God ordained medical mission to Cambodia. My wife and others from our church Grace Bible Pearlside in Hawaii will be travelling to PhnomPhen, Cambodia and join the ARMS team. This year will be different, as a team from Victory church in Manila will be joining to serve God as one body. Philippians 2:2 says then make my joy complete by being like minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. God continues to show us as being able to serve Him together united in love and compassion according to His purpose. If anyone would like to join the Cambodia Medical Mission. Let me know by emailing The mission will be in September 19 - Oct 1 2010. The in-country cost will be $900.00 plus your airline cost from where you will originate. Total cost is approximately $2000.00 depending where you are coming from.

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