Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Site 4 Boton, New Cabalan

We have to testify the Lord Jesus still does miracles even today as we speak. There was lady with crutches and as they prayed for her she did not need the crutches any more. She went home carrying her crutches. Sis Ruby Arango prayed for a lady who had a steel plate and was hurting from her hip to her feet. She had a vision of Moses raising his hand for victory and now the pain is no longer in her body. What a Healer, by His  stripes we are healed.
The site was near the smoky mountain of garbage and many people came to be treated around 774 and 422 has accepted Jesus into their hearts. It is an awesome time and we only have one more site to go to tomorrow. The team is being strengthened by the joy of the Lord.

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