Monday, September 28, 2009
The Cambodia Medical Mission 2009 result
Sixth and Last site - Krah Gnoung Village

Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Fifth Site - Tanub Village in Phnom Penh

The Fourth Site - Back to Phnom Penh

The Team arrived back into the capital city Phnom Penh. The weather continued to be unpredictable. As the the team setup the site in Trapeang Viheah Village, it was hot and humid. They used tents since the rooms were small to accommodate the people.
The prayer team on the lady who had stomach pains. As the team prayed for her the pain disappeared. A seed has been planted for the love of God. Cambodian people still continues to struggle on belief other than anything outside their culture.

As we conduct evangelism through the medical missions please continue to pray God's increase in their life.

Monday, September 21, 2009
Update on the Cambodia Team
Continue to lift the team and the Cambodian people up in prayer.
Blessings Arnel
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Kratie Province - Kantuot Village
The team has a long journey back to Phnom Penh. Continue to cover them with prayer and travel mercies. They will be at an orphanage over the weekend and attend the Sunday service of New Life Church. After service the Team will visit a museum, where they will see the historical events that happened in Cambodia. It will show the areas known as the "The Killing Fields", were Cambodian people lost their lives as well as being maimed by the mines planted in that area during the Khmer Rouge regime after the Vietnam War. Many Cambodian people where killed mainly by starvation and diseases during that time. Pray for the country of Cambodia on areas that God leads you to pray.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Second Site Kampong Cham
An amazing show of God's presence happens when saints pray for the miraculous, they receive the answer in an awesome deliverance of healing. A woman who had a stroke couldn't walk and her face partially paralyse was so thankful. after praying with her the woman's face relax almost to normal and was able to walk around still with difficulty but able to walk. That difference in situation is huge thing to a person who was partially paralyse by a stroke. She was so thankful. Continue to lift her up for complete healing to be a witness for Jesus.
Press in prayer for the team's covering. Local officials continue to conduct checks on their paper work even after they received permission to conduct the medical mission. God is awesome in times of evildoers trying to stop what God has ordained.
Kratie Province- Snuol Village
The team treated around 300 people at the first site. People are scarce compared to the big city. As the evangelism team shares the gospel to the villagers. Their understanding of Jesus is just another god along the many gods people believe in Cambodia. However, there were two to three women who felt peace in their surroundings when the team prayed for them and continued to ask who is Jesus.
Continue to pray for the Cambodian people to open their hearts to God and their mind to receive revelation who is Jesus, the name above all names, the Prince of Peace and the Lord of All. Also pray for the team who labor in the fields to gather who God has sent them to harvest. Pray for strength for the heat and humidity.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Travel to Cambodia
Sunday, July 26, 2009
ARMS Hawaii headed to Cambodia Medical Mission
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
After Effects of the Phillippine Medical Mission 2009
1)Site Punta Tay-Tay: the Lord added us new souls every week and the regular attendees became strong in the faith and diligently witnessing despite of persecution.
2)Site Sum-Ag: another venue for us for bible study and a sister in Christ opened her house for a weekly gathering.
In addition the LORD ministering the locked-up children every week we were their to conduct bible study,games & giving lunch/snacks, a lot of them had a changed life their from ages ranging 5-22 years old.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Video Presentation of the Medical Mission
Here is the Medical Mission on You Tube. Click on the link
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Dates for Next Mission
Philippine medical Mission Outreach 2010 - April 13- 25, 2010
Come and Join us for a life changing God experience
Arnel Bautista
ARMS Hawaii Coordinator
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Miracle Healings and Wonders
In the photo, Cowanda (behind Babe holding the ladies hand), Babe and Mary are praying for a woman with severe chest pain. (Interpreter is at the left.) While we were praying God healed her and completely took the pain away. This was Cowanda's first time to lay hands on someone and pray for healing, and first time to see someone healed. She was moved to tears and in awe for the rest of the day. Hallelujah! He is soooo awesome!
One young lady on the Team received the baptism of the Spirit during our praise and worship and she began to speak in tongues. She declared that there is now a resident power in her that she did not have before. At the next site she enthusiastically and boldly prayed for people with extremely high blood pressure and within seconds their pressures dropped dramatically.
A woman who had trouble walking because of hip problems could not continue to walk through the line. They gave her the good news as she sat near the registration office. Then they prayed for her and laying hands on her hip. As they prayed, they told her to stand up. They told her to walk and her pain was gone through her faith, praise the Lord she was healed. We led her to the pharmacy to get vitamins and rice to take home.
A woman who could not hear began crying after she was prayed over by our prayer intercessor Mama Cora. She asked if anything was wrong and she answered I can hear you. Then she boldly testified of the miracle that happened and everyone with her on the next evangelism session gave their lives to the Lord Jesus.
A man whose body was numb from working in a bakery then he fetches water after work for his family and community that places his body battling heat and cold. As some people started praying for him his numbness went away and just went through the line to go through received the salvation message and publicly giving his life to Jesus.
A man walked in the clinic that had a serious problem and only the hospital at this point could help him. He had low blood pressure that could not even be read. The doctors told him to rest and sit so that we could pray for him. He told the doctors that he was ready to die. Our prayer warriors came into medical just in time and prayed with him even more, while the doctors were having him rest. A few minutes later the man was smiling and his continence was different. It is like the breath of life entered his body and started to walk around. He then said that he was strengthened. He wanted to go but we offered to pay for his ride home. He said that I am alive and I can walk home.
There was a woman in line who had her left eye damaged by a previous injury. (a nail that hit her eye and she cannot see from her left eye just a blur. Pastor Mayette explained to her the message of salvation while Mommy Cora (that is what everyone calls her) prayed for healing for her eye and when they finished their prayer. They asked her how she felt, she said she had a headache and then they prayed again for her. They asked her again about how she felt; they received the report of her left eye being able to see clearly. They covered the good eye and ask her again, can you see clearly now? and she replied yes and they celebrated praising the Lord Jesus. We are seeing the miracles and wonders and she has not even registered yet. What a mighty God we serve!
Pastor Nick ministered to a very special 13-year-old boy, named Christian, who said he's never seen so many smiles in his neighborhood. He declared, "You people brought the Spirit of God into this community! I want to be just like you, Pastor Dominic, and change nations!" (He began to cry.) He's only 13!! It was so obvious that this young man has a unique calling. He went on to say, "The other kids make fun of me because I know I am different and God shows me things." He prophesied over him and told him that God is especially fond of him and the God would continue to reveal His mysteries to him. He began to cry and said that we make him feel special and give him hope. He did not quite understand it, but he will operate in the prophetic and the apostolic gifts. Pray for this young man (Christian), that he would find a strong, spiritual father and mentor.
Praise God. He made the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walked, and the dead rise. Nothing is impossible with God.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Other Activities During the Mission
We were able to eat lunch at a nearby waterfall observation spot just about a kilometer away from the church. The team enjoyed the site.
We also attended a Saturday service at the mountain church that was a planted after last year’s mission. Everyone did not fit but enjoyed to see the fruit of the medical mission. They do have lots of children and the children’s ministry was a joy to see.
Some of the ladies were able to spend half a day at the orphanage. They cared for some of the children and played with them even just for a little while.
Others went to the children’s prison. No one was allowed to take pictures. A few of our children went with the some of the adults and it was an eye opener for them. The living conditions are way below American standards. It is a sad site to see but at least they are out of the street and have some form of meal to eat.
Some attended the local festivities in Bacolod called Panaad. Various booths displayed some of the town arts and crafts, as well as different varieties of food tasting from different areas of Negros.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Result
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Site Seven - Barangay Villa Esperanza
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Site 6 - Barangay Mandalagan
Site Five - Barangay Sum Ag
Everyone called her Mama Cora for she would served everyone in all sections of the outreach. She is truly using her gift of discernment and healing to pray for people in line along with a team of prayer warriors. Everyone adopted her as the powerhouse mother of the team.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Site Four - Barangay Punta Tay-tay
God has really called the team members to this mission. Because everyone is assisting everyone in every area of need. We became one united body from all over the earth. This is exactly what God wants. A united body on a borderless mission.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Having Church on the Mountain
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Third site - Barangay 28 (Mabini Elemantary School)
At the third site more people are praying and more people are being healed before being seen. The Holy Spirit are touching lives through the obedience of the missionaries going around by the leading of God to touch and pray for their lives.
A man whose body was numb from working in a bakery then he fetches water after work for his family and community that places his body battling heat and cold. As some people started praying for him his numbness went away and just went through the line to go through received the salvation message and publicly giving his life to Jesus.
The day was hot. Then in the afternoon rain and lightning held the people from coming. It rained so hard that the streets flooded within a few minutes. But victory is in Jesus, we still saw over 500 people. We were expecting more that day but Praise the Lord! that 366 people accepted Christ in their lives. Hallelujah, God is an awesome!