Saturday, September 28, 2013

3rd site Seyha, Tung Kea Province

Thank you Lord for your grace and goodness. Below is some of the testimonies of the team members:

One of the sites was established in a public school.  The local translator who was assisting in Prayer and Healing took Juanita Joseph to the back to show her where a tree once stood that had been used by the village religious leaders to worship their gods.  When the school was built, the tree was cut down.  Later, they learned that the room they were assigned to for Prayer and Healing was located over the site of that same tree.  The enemy’s strongholds have been cut down!

Janeen Wheeler simply noticed an older gentlemen come into Evangelism with obvious pain in his knees as it was difficult for him to walk.  She laid her hands on his knees and prayed over him with immediate results.  His eyes got big and he jumped up in excitement exclaiming that his knees no longer hurt!  Who needs the docs?

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