This was a day that God increase the level of the team. Through prayer and faith of healing. Many of the prisoners were healed and freed within the prison walls. There was one man who did not get medical care and a tumor grew to a point that it push his eyes out of the socket. He was in so much pain that even our doctors could not clean the wound that he may bleed to death. They changed the dressing but the smell of the wound was strong that one of our care giver fainted. We had one prayer warrior who prayed with him and by noon, his pain disappeared and the bleeding stop. He finally was brought to the provincial hospital. Hopefully they will remove the tumor now that God has healed him.
The barbed wired fence and gated cells was to keep the prisoners locked up but as we gave them the message of the gospel they were freed from their burden that placed them in the prison. They were many that is in prison because of injustice but dance to get them justice for in our God we have liberty.
Another awesome mission day!