Praise the Lord! today at Angkrasang Village we saw 414 people...lots of healing of joint problems. There was a person who perspired too much, his arms was really filled with pores of sweats after he was seen by the doctors, he went to prayer and healing area. Ruby prayed for him. The man was very nervous and doesn't know why, he was not use to many people around him because of his sweat pores. They prayed for him to overcome his shame and fear, and he acccepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior. There was a big difference was seen on his face, a big smile, joy and peace.

In the Evangelism area, one of the team member asked the people if they want to stay to accept Jesus as their Savior, they can stay, listen, and pray the prayer of salvation. If not, they may go to Triage area and be seen by the nurses. Amazingly, every batch of 50 people stayed each time!

Triage, nurses and vital signs doing a great job and their part to pray for patients if they have symptoms that are more than general fever or rashes, like high blood pressure and diabetes.

In Children's evangelism was a powerful and glorious day for the Lord, it started with about 60 children with sad frown face seen in each one of them arriving into the outreach . After the Team started to sing to Jesus and prayed, their faces became so happy and alive! The Lord has touched them as they sang praises to Him. The Word of God says that He emcompass the praises of His people especially children.

Dental area are always busy pulling teeth. Yesterday we need not have enough time in the day to treat all the people that came to the outreach clinic.
Pharmacy are consistently moving to prescribe every prescription but unfortunately some of the medicine ran out and boxes of meds purchase did not make it to Cambodia. No pharmacy in the village nearby to purchase more.
Please continue to pray for this village of Angkrasang. There are complaints from the people here that they are not sleeping good, getting night mares, so we need to continue to pray for deliverance, a lot of spiritual warfare going on.
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