The team arrives tomorrow night and we will hear more of their testimonies. Internet connection was horrible in the end so update and testimonies will have to wait upon their return to Hawaii.
But overall the team of 30 with some translator and local volunteers saw over 2000 people in Cambodia and many came to know Christ and many accepted Him in their life as their Lord and Savior. The team continues to basked in their victory with Christ and supercharged for being touched by Jesus throughout the mission.
We will never be the same! Praise the Lord!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sdok Prey Village
Another day of victory, although it was very hot and humid, God is awesome. We saw over 300 people today at Sdok Prey Village, over a 1 hour bus ride. A lot of us got physically tired but God always renewed our spirit. More prople was able to hear the gospel.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Another Site - Hab Village
It was a long 3hr ride to Hab Village. God is good, He gave us favor by holding the rain not until we left the village. We saw around 321 people and everyone was seen and treated. It was a very busy day, some healing went on as the team prayed for a paralyzed person who could not moved his arms. After we completed the prayer he was able to move and receive healing from God after 7 years. As people received the Lord Jesus into their life miracles happen as their faith increases to a God that they never heard of experience a life changing miracle.
During the long 3 hr bus ride back to the hotel we praised him and worshipped Him even when we where shaken by the bumpy road. Everyone was tired and exhausted but strengthen when singing praises to the God of wonders.
Please continue to pray for the Team as we travel 1-1/2 hours to Sdok Prey Village tomorrow.
During the long 3 hr bus ride back to the hotel we praised him and worshipped Him even when we where shaken by the bumpy road. Everyone was tired and exhausted but strengthen when singing praises to the God of wonders.
Please continue to pray for the Team as we travel 1-1/2 hours to Sdok Prey Village tomorrow.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
More Testimonies

Marian's testimony:
During this trip, I have made so many discoveries-both about myself, but mostly about how God can move mightily within and for people. I have mostly felt humbled. To serve is humbling. To know how poorly people live and to help improve their lives through delivering health care is humbling. I also love the unity of the team. To think we come from such diverse backgrounds, yet to move together as one for God's children is exhilarating for me. I am on the dental team and we have unified and become focused on our tasks. I assist the dentist and prepare and sanitize the instruments. If it weren't for this care,the patient would experience pain from injection or worse--die from bacterial injection that travels into the bloodstream throughout the body. It's amazing what a small group of people can do if we channel our collective skills and move together as me focus on a common desire to bring healing and health to the people of Cambodia.
More testimonies of other team members:

One of the team member, Ericia who already discerned something when asking a lady what to pray for her. She was carrying evil spirits with her that controlled her. So Ericia and Pastor Phyllis started to pray for her. She created a commotion within the outreached site that people started to see what was going on as she was not herself. The translator had a hard time translating. The lady started to hit everybody who was praying for her, so all the prayer team were praying for the lady, translator were holding her down, Helma hugged her, she felt that the spirit of the Lord wanted her to hug the lady while she was held down to let her feel the spirit of God's love. It took about 10 minutes before she calmed down. After about 2-3 minutes the spirit came back on her again, she started walk away then fell down. Helma took her inside the medical area and talked with her and shared the love of God. We heard that she was already around the site the day before and started to get possessed. She was finally calmed again and we pray the evil spirits will not possess her again.
The devil is trying to stop and disturbed the mission before we came to Cambodia, please join us to pray for the protection of the team members and to be ready with the joy of the Lord which is our strength for the coming week. It will also be the last week of the Medical Mission.
This past week the total number of people who received medical and dental treatment is around 953. Praise the Lord!
During this trip, I have made so many discoveries-both about myself, but mostly about how God can move mightily within and for people. I have mostly felt humbled. To serve is humbling. To know how poorly people live and to help improve their lives through delivering health care is humbling. I also love the unity of the team. To think we come from such diverse backgrounds, yet to move together as one for God's children is exhilarating for me. I am on the dental team and we have unified and become focused on our tasks. I assist the dentist and prepare and sanitize the instruments. If it weren't for this care,the patient would experience pain from injection or worse--die from bacterial injection that travels into the bloodstream throughout the body. It's amazing what a small group of people can do if we channel our collective skills and move together as me focus on a common desire to bring healing and health to the people of Cambodia.
More testimonies of other team members:

One of the team member, Ericia who already discerned something when asking a lady what to pray for her. She was carrying evil spirits with her that controlled her. So Ericia and Pastor Phyllis started to pray for her. She created a commotion within the outreached site that people started to see what was going on as she was not herself. The translator had a hard time translating. The lady started to hit everybody who was praying for her, so all the prayer team were praying for the lady, translator were holding her down, Helma hugged her, she felt that the spirit of the Lord wanted her to hug the lady while she was held down to let her feel the spirit of God's love. It took about 10 minutes before she calmed down. After about 2-3 minutes the spirit came back on her again, she started walk away then fell down. Helma took her inside the medical area and talked with her and shared the love of God. We heard that she was already around the site the day before and started to get possessed. She was finally calmed again and we pray the evil spirits will not possess her again.
The devil is trying to stop and disturbed the mission before we came to Cambodia, please join us to pray for the protection of the team members and to be ready with the joy of the Lord which is our strength for the coming week. It will also be the last week of the Medical Mission.
This past week the total number of people who received medical and dental treatment is around 953. Praise the Lord!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Baby Miracle

Last year a very weak and very bony baby was wrapped in a very small place mat and about to be thrown in the river by her parents because they have 7 children, suffering in hunger. We saw her few days ago, took her a picture (beautiful and healthy).
After our outreached last year 2009, The team host went back a week later. Donnie and other staff members at New Life Fellowship went back to the village of Kratie, it was about an 8 hour drive from Phnom Penh, looking for the mother and baby. Donnie found out that they live another hour and a half from Kratie village. The baby was in life threatening condition and she can't even cry at all. They took her to an Emergency room in Phom Penh right away. They thought the baby will not survive because of the health condition and travelling a long distnace, but God made a way and He has a plan for the baby. The mother asked Donnie to adopt her and he did. Now she's legally adopted by these missionaries, Donnie and Sofia. The baby was not even a year old when they adopted her. God blessed them with another baby boy which is now 4 months old. I remember that baby a year ago, praying and hoping that she will survive. The Lord made a way and made it possible not only letting the baby survived but to bless her with parents that have a good heart. Looking back, and looking at the baby now, she is so pretty. I am so blessed that I was able to go this year to experience this momentous blessing by our Lord Jesus.
Testimonies in Kampong Thom Village

A testimony from Menchie:
When we were at Kampong Thom, It really broke my heart, when we asked and prayed for the people, because a lot of them were very excited to hear about JESUS, some are not...because they are not ready yet! but we saw a lot of outpouring, restoration, transformation. Can you imagine a lot of these people were elderly as you see in the pictures, but then, they never heard about JESUS. This is the first time they heard about the Gospel. Every time I meditate on what I tears were coming out...I said thank you Jesus for sending me, for sending us.. to spread your gospel and to get out of our comfort zone to be able to go for the good... to bring hope, joy, peace, love and to share that Jesus died on the cross for each of them.

Tonight at dinner, Pastor Mara, an Assistant Pastor, spoke about encouraging words and testimony... Kampong Thom is actually one of the villages that has a history of lots of kidnapping crime...specially before... that's why we were all laughing because they told us and shared the story after we already went to the village... hahahaha, that was funny and thank you Jesus for the protection...Actually one of the master mind of the kidnapping became a Pastor in that village... Hallelujah, he was ministered by someone and he mentioned that the person that they actually planned on kidnapping during that time is Pastor Mara who's sharing the story.
When we were at Kampong Thom, It really broke my heart, when we asked and prayed for the people, because a lot of them were very excited to hear about JESUS, some are not...because they are not ready yet! but we saw a lot of outpouring, restoration, transformation. Can you imagine a lot of these people were elderly as you see in the pictures, but then, they never heard about JESUS. This is the first time they heard about the Gospel. Every time I meditate on what I tears were coming out...I said thank you Jesus for sending me, for sending us.. to spread your gospel and to get out of our comfort zone to be able to go for the good... to bring hope, joy, peace, love and to share that Jesus died on the cross for each of them.

Tonight at dinner, Pastor Mara, an Assistant Pastor, spoke about encouraging words and testimony... Kampong Thom is actually one of the villages that has a history of lots of kidnapping crime...specially before... that's why we were all laughing because they told us and shared the story after we already went to the village... hahahaha, that was funny and thank you Jesus for the protection...Actually one of the master mind of the kidnapping became a Pastor in that village... Hallelujah, he was ministered by someone and he mentioned that the person that they actually planned on kidnapping during that time is Pastor Mara who's sharing the story.
It's my first time at the prayer and healing team, I thought it will be easy because I am a busy body and always wants to work, work, work. On our first day, Twinkle, P. Phyllis, Erica and I was already tired by the middle of the day... hahaha. I believe in praying without ceasing...but not praying aloud all day long..hahaha. But it's a good experience...I am just going to enjoy this first week, because next week different people will take our place. A few people will be leaving after 1 week and Pastor Stephan will switch people around. This is good, so some people can experience different departments in 2 weeks.
An excerpt from Twinkle's journal:
I prayed for dozens of people! We had translators to help us. We first asked if they were believers and if not we asked if they would like to receive Jesus. Some of them still have never even heard of the name Jesus before. But all of them were thirsty to receive Him. They needed to believe in something, the needed Hope. So many souls were saved in those two days! After they prayed to receive Jesus, they gave their prayer requests for healing and we asked that they believe that God would heal them. As I laid my hands on them I believed that my hands were God’s hands. My prayers were very simple asking for healing and for peace and joy to fill them. Towards the end of the day I was physically and spiritually exhausted that I don’t even know or remember what I was saying and it didn’t matter. It came to a point where I wasn’t surprised anymore and I knew all I had to do was touch them and they would be healed.
I prayed for dozens of people! We had translators to help us. We first asked if they were believers and if not we asked if they would like to receive Jesus. Some of them still have never even heard of the name Jesus before. But all of them were thirsty to receive Him. They needed to believe in something, the needed Hope. So many souls were saved in those two days! After they prayed to receive Jesus, they gave their prayer requests for healing and we asked that they believe that God would heal them. As I laid my hands on them I believed that my hands were God’s hands. My prayers were very simple asking for healing and for peace and joy to fill them. Towards the end of the day I was physically and spiritually exhausted that I don’t even know or remember what I was saying and it didn’t matter. It came to a point where I wasn’t surprised anymore and I knew all I had to do was touch them and they would be healed.
Seriously! I was just a mere vessel who was willing and God used me. Dozens were healed! If not physically they were healed emotionally and spiritually. A glow came on their faces. Many said they felt the happy and excited, others felt refreshed. They would thank us, but we reminded them that it is God who heals and He is the one to be thanked. One said they didn’t pray because they thought they had to pay for prayer. My translator explained that it’s free to pray to Jesus and taught her how to pray for herself for when she goes home. Those who weren’t physically healed at that time we believe God to be slowly building their faith (Luke 17:14). Seeds were planted and the local church will water those seeds once we leave the mission field. We trust the local church’s numbers and the faith of the people of the village have already increased!
The team was able to share some testimonies of how they saw God work on site. One testimony came from registration department. They noticed a big difference in the people’s spirit from when they first came to when they were leaving. All of them were filled with a sense of joy, peace, hope, and love! Amazing! ♥
The team was able to share some testimonies of how they saw God work on site. One testimony came from registration department. They noticed a big difference in the people’s spirit from when they first came to when they were leaving. All of them were filled with a sense of joy, peace, hope, and love! Amazing! ♥
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Site1 Kampong Thom Village

Team is ready to go to the first site which is a 3 hour bus ride from the capital city of Phnom Phen. The village is calle Kampong Thom Village. However the team had a quick stop for a snack prior to getting to the village

They stop at a place full of vendors selling to the travellers. Yes, indeed it is alive! Tarantula Spiders and Crickets were being sold as pet or a tasty snack.
They had to unload the bus and walk a little ways to get to the village with a handful of people waiting for their arrival.
There were lots of children ready to be treated. There were around 560 people were evangelized and treated by a doctor or dentist.
The Dental team pulled teeth.
But the victory was in the healing prayer area were miracle signs and wonders were shown to those who gave their life to the Lord Jesus!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When the team got together and met with one another for the first time, they worshipped together to praise God for having safe passage and travel mercies getting everyone to Cambodia. Especially preparing for the field the Lord has ordained for the harvest. What a start to wonderful Medical Mission Outreach in Cambodia, we prepared the heart of the team to enter into the God's presence by praise and worship to the Lord of the Harvest with singing and instruments of Praise!

Med Prep is always the key before the outreach to prepare the daily supplies what we will need in the field. So each day we will only load up and go. This is the time the team will get to know each other and bond with working together as one for the same purpose. Each body will be ready to work in their area as the team members are assigned a place of duty. Everyone worked hard this first day and finished early enough in time for dinner. Everyone has prayed with each of their section to prepare them for the next days to come. What awesome time the team had getting to know one another. This is were long time relationships are built in the body of Christ from different areas of the world.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Day to Sightsee Phnom Phen

As we wait for the remaining team from around the world, the team had a day to sight see around the City of Phnom Phen. Kim Lang who is one of the volunteer and translator for the team took the GBC Team to see the temples and monuments. including the Meikong River.

They rode the Tuk-tuk everywhere which is one of the cheapest mode of transportation in Cambodia. They enjoyed the day and ate in a small deli that serve some lunch and dessert.

Lastly, they visited the night market where they befriended some children in the market area who wanted to take a picture with them.

Arrived in Phnom Phen

Praise the Lord! Menchie, Twinkle, and Marian arrived safely in Cambodia. The enemy had a plan in the airport customs when they arrived. The customs officer opened their luggage and started to question them with the medicines they brought and gave them a hard time. The customs officer said in order to keep the meds they wanted them to pay. Fortunately the people who were meeting the ladies gave Menchie some good advice and to bargain them down to keep the meds. So she got them down to half of what they originally wanted. It was better to pay than loose the meds. The enemy cannot stop the plan of God for Cambodia. Through this medical mission the people of Cambodia will hear the Gospel message of the Lord.
The rest of the team will arrive soon to join the ladies. Let us all pray to cover the rest of the team.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Medical Mission Team from Grace Bible Church Pearlside on their way to join Asian Relief Medical Services outreach in Cambodia
As preparation continues to excite the team members to go to Cambodia. There
was a missing item that is very important. The medicine! It was mailed out from its origin in California. It arrived today, the day before the team leaves for Cambodia Medical Mission. Sent out an urgent prayer request this morning around 7:30 am and two hours later the prayer was answered. Thank you all you prayer warriors.
Menchie checked the Post Office around 8:30 am and ask the supervisor if any packages were about to be delivered. He said most of the carriers have loaded their trucks and they are about to go. However, he was kind enough to get Menchie's cell. About 30 minutes later, the supervisor called and said that the postman assigned to our neighborhood has not left yet and yes there were three packages addressed to us. He asked if Menchie will pick it up or wait to have it delivered. Menchie without hesitation said she will be right over to pick it up and make sure she has it in her posession.
Sure enough it was the three boxes of meds and she picked it up around 9:30 am. I know we have a big God we serve and He is always on time. Fervant prayer are always answered by God. Praises to our Lord. Please continue to pray for our missionaries for favor with the airport customs for the meds to go through with Hawaii and Cambodia customs and securities. Also, cover them as they minister to the sick and the hopeless. That their hearts are ready to received the love and compassion of Jesus. It is hot and humid in Cambodia so pray that every one is healthy and protection from any sickness or disease. Lastly , pray for a great harvest for the kingdom of God.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Gearing up to Cambodia Medical Mission
Just as the Philippine Medical Mission ended, we are about to embark on another God ordained medical mission to Cambodia. My wife and others from our church Grace Bible Pearlside in Hawaii will be travelling to PhnomPhen, Cambodia and join the ARMS team. This year will be different, as a team from Victory church in Manila will be joining to serve God as one body. Philippians 2:2 says then make my joy complete by being like minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. God continues to show us as being able to serve Him together united in love and compassion according to His purpose. If anyone would like to join the Cambodia Medical Mission. Let me know by emailing The mission will be in September 19 - Oct 1 2010. The in-country cost will be $900.00 plus your airline cost from where you will originate. Total cost is approximately $2000.00 depending where you are coming from.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
ARMS Medical Mission 2010 Video
An awesome compilation of pictures taken and placed in a video by Travis Yanagida who was a brother and part of the team this year. The next date for the Philippine Medical Mission 2011 will be April 4-15 2011.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Mission Accomplished! Battle won!

Praise the Lord!
As the Lord Jesus conquered death for us to live, We have overcome! . The team members are probably recovering from the battle that was fought and I pray refreshment of physical strength and the Joy of the Lord as they recover spiritual strength as well.
The final results of the mission were:
Medical patients seen: 2,496
Dental patients seen: 861
Total registered: 3,357
Decisions for Christ: 2,210
Healings over 240
As I looked back in what has just happened, I see that the enemy knew how much of a powerful team he was going against. We were over 90 enthusiatic and fired-up spirit-filled Saints going to take the land for God.

We battled against the political realm who was trying to place their name in what we were doing and stopping the people from coming since we stopped their campaigning strategy.

We battled against the heat that pounded the team as we worked in classrooms that were small and hundreds of people gathered waiting to be seen.
We battled mechanical problems that stranded half the team delaying them a couple of hours reaching the site in the mountains .
We battled authorities that were in control of the prison of not supporting as previous years because their superiors that was incapacitated with heat stroke 4 months ago was not able to assist in preparation to have the prison ready to be seen by the team.

However, no one can stop the Army of the Lord with Jesus as the Captain of the Host. The soldiers were ready and praises unto Jesus who has the Victory. Our battle cry of Hallelujah! conquered the enemy.

We opened up a new section in our arsenal of prayer warriors and healing ministry. For us Christians it was the "norm" but the world has forgotten what God continues to do. It was powerful through a believer with child like faith to engage their authority given by Jesus to heal the sick and the brokenhearted with prayer. The saints activated their faith in touching the sick with the hands of God. In every area of the mission the saints prayed. as well as the medical professionals that came with us. Excitement was the word seeing miraculous healings takes place.
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