Last year a very weak and very bony baby was wrapped in a very small place mat and about to be thrown in the river by her parents because they have 7 children, suffering in hunger. We saw her few days ago, took her a picture (beautiful and healthy).
After our outreached last year 2009, The team host went back a week later. Donnie and other staff members at New Life Fellowship went back to the village of Kratie, it was about an 8 hour drive from Phnom Penh, looking for the mother and baby. Donnie found out that they live another hour and a half from Kratie village. The baby was in life threatening condition and she can't even cry at all. They took her to an Emergency room in Phom Penh right away. They thought the baby will not survive because of the health condition and travelling a long distnace, but God made a way and He has a plan for the baby. The mother asked Donnie to adopt her and he did. Now she's legally adopted by these missionaries, Donnie and Sofia. The baby was not even a year old when they adopted her. God blessed them with another baby boy which is now 4 months old. I remember that baby a year ago, praying and hoping that she will survive. The Lord made a way and made it possible not only letting the baby survived but to bless her with parents that have a good heart. Looking back, and looking at the baby now, she is so pretty. I am so blessed that I was able to go this year to experience this momentous blessing by our Lord Jesus.
This story is soooooo touching...