A testimony from Menchie:
When we were at Kampong Thom, It really broke my heart, when we asked and prayed for the people, because a lot of them were very excited to hear about JESUS, some are not...because they are not ready yet! but we saw a lot of outpouring, restoration, transformation. Can you imagine a lot of these people were elderly as you see in the pictures, but then, they never heard about JESUS. This is the first time they heard about the Gospel. Every time I meditate on what I see...my tears were coming out...I said thank you Jesus for sending me, for sending us.. to spread your gospel and to get out of our comfort zone to be able to go for the good... to bring hope, joy, peace, love and to share that Jesus died on the cross for each of them.

Tonight at dinner, Pastor Mara, an Assistant Pastor, spoke about encouraging words and testimony... Kampong Thom is actually one of the villages that has a history of lots of kidnapping crime...specially before... that's why we were all laughing because they told us and shared the story after we already went to the village... hahahaha, that was funny and thank you Jesus for the protection...Actually one of the master mind of the kidnapping became a Pastor in that village... Hallelujah, he was ministered by someone and he mentioned that the person that they actually planned on kidnapping during that time is Pastor Mara who's sharing the story.
When we were at Kampong Thom, It really broke my heart, when we asked and prayed for the people, because a lot of them were very excited to hear about JESUS, some are not...because they are not ready yet! but we saw a lot of outpouring, restoration, transformation. Can you imagine a lot of these people were elderly as you see in the pictures, but then, they never heard about JESUS. This is the first time they heard about the Gospel. Every time I meditate on what I see...my tears were coming out...I said thank you Jesus for sending me, for sending us.. to spread your gospel and to get out of our comfort zone to be able to go for the good... to bring hope, joy, peace, love and to share that Jesus died on the cross for each of them.

Tonight at dinner, Pastor Mara, an Assistant Pastor, spoke about encouraging words and testimony... Kampong Thom is actually one of the villages that has a history of lots of kidnapping crime...specially before... that's why we were all laughing because they told us and shared the story after we already went to the village... hahahaha, that was funny and thank you Jesus for the protection...Actually one of the master mind of the kidnapping became a Pastor in that village... Hallelujah, he was ministered by someone and he mentioned that the person that they actually planned on kidnapping during that time is Pastor Mara who's sharing the story.
It's my first time at the prayer and healing team, I thought it will be easy because I am a busy body and always wants to work, work, work. On our first day, Twinkle, P. Phyllis, Erica and I was already tired by the middle of the day... hahaha. I believe in praying without ceasing...but not praying aloud all day long..hahaha. But it's a good experience...I am just going to enjoy this first week, because next week different people will take our place. A few people will be leaving after 1 week and Pastor Stephan will switch people around. This is good, so some people can experience different departments in 2 weeks.
An excerpt from Twinkle's journal:
I prayed for dozens of people! We had translators to help us. We first asked if they were believers and if not we asked if they would like to receive Jesus. Some of them still have never even heard of the name Jesus before. But all of them were thirsty to receive Him. They needed to believe in something, the needed Hope. So many souls were saved in those two days! After they prayed to receive Jesus, they gave their prayer requests for healing and we asked that they believe that God would heal them. As I laid my hands on them I believed that my hands were God’s hands. My prayers were very simple asking for healing and for peace and joy to fill them. Towards the end of the day I was physically and spiritually exhausted that I don’t even know or remember what I was saying and it didn’t matter. It came to a point where I wasn’t surprised anymore and I knew all I had to do was touch them and they would be healed.
I prayed for dozens of people! We had translators to help us. We first asked if they were believers and if not we asked if they would like to receive Jesus. Some of them still have never even heard of the name Jesus before. But all of them were thirsty to receive Him. They needed to believe in something, the needed Hope. So many souls were saved in those two days! After they prayed to receive Jesus, they gave their prayer requests for healing and we asked that they believe that God would heal them. As I laid my hands on them I believed that my hands were God’s hands. My prayers were very simple asking for healing and for peace and joy to fill them. Towards the end of the day I was physically and spiritually exhausted that I don’t even know or remember what I was saying and it didn’t matter. It came to a point where I wasn’t surprised anymore and I knew all I had to do was touch them and they would be healed.
Seriously! I was just a mere vessel who was willing and God used me. Dozens were healed! If not physically they were healed emotionally and spiritually. A glow came on their faces. Many said they felt the happy and excited, others felt refreshed. They would thank us, but we reminded them that it is God who heals and He is the one to be thanked. One said they didn’t pray because they thought they had to pay for prayer. My translator explained that it’s free to pray to Jesus and taught her how to pray for herself for when she goes home. Those who weren’t physically healed at that time we believe God to be slowly building their faith (Luke 17:14). Seeds were planted and the local church will water those seeds once we leave the mission field. We trust the local church’s numbers and the faith of the people of the village have already increased!
The team was able to share some testimonies of how they saw God work on site. One testimony came from registration department. They noticed a big difference in the people’s spirit from when they first came to when they were leaving. All of them were filled with a sense of joy, peace, hope, and love! Amazing! ♥
The team was able to share some testimonies of how they saw God work on site. One testimony came from registration department. They noticed a big difference in the people’s spirit from when they first came to when they were leaving. All of them were filled with a sense of joy, peace, hope, and love! Amazing! ♥
Wow, that is sooooooo awesome! I am so happy the Lord was able to touch so many peoples' lives! I can't imagine not knowing who Jesus is!